Matrícula Oberta Curs 2024/25

MasterClass English School


Masterclass English School és una escola que va obrir a Olot fa 15 anys al centre d’Olot. El director de l’escola és Patrick Meehan. Ell és professor qualificat d’anglès i enginyer mecànic certifcat per la Universitat DIT (Dublin Institute of Technology).

Masterclass English School te el suport  de professors natius qualificats que poden ensenyar a tots els nivells i edats.

Masterclass English School is a language school which opened 15 years ago in Olot. The director of the school is Patrick J.H Meehan. He is a fully qualified English Teacher and certified Industrial Engineer from DIT (Dublin Institute of Technology).

Masterclass English School is equipped with native teachers who are qualified to teach at all levels and ages.

  Master Class - English School   
MasterClass English School - Escola   MasterClass English School - empresa   MasterClass English School - Serveis   MasterClass English School - Activitats


MasterClass  - English School Olot      

Masterclass és una escola d’anglès situada al centre d’Olot. Ens adaptem a les necessitats i interessos de les persones que volen aprendre anglès o perfeccionar el seu nivell. Oferim horaris flexibles, metodologies adaptables i una àmplia oferta de formats.

Es fan classes de conversa, speaking i listening, reforç escolar, reforç escola oficial, preparació examens oficials. Ens adaptem a les vostres necessitats, a tots els nivells i edats.

Anglès a partir de 3 anys! Metodologia basada en el joc,la música, cançons i manualitats on es desenvolupa la comprensió i la fonètica de parla anglesa.


Masterclass is an english school located in Olot city center. We adapt to the needs of our students who want to learn a language or improve their  current level. We offer flexible times, we have different methodologies depending on each student’s need and we can offer a huge variaty of formats.

We offer English classes for  speaking, listening, school support, preparation for the Cambridge official exams and more. We always adapt to our students’ needs and to levels.

Because we think that the younger you start learning a language the quicker you will understand, learn and adapt to this foreign language we offer courses to children from 3 years of age. The classes are based on special methodology using different interactive learniing games, music, songs, manualities, etc... where we develop their comprehension and correct pronunciation of the english language.


MasterClass  - English School Olot      

Oferim classes a empreses, o a la mateixa escola o a l’empresa mateixa.

Les classes es basen en les necessitats de l’empresa i dels treballadors.

Horaris flexibles i amb professors natius.


We offer classes to companies either at the school or on site.

The classes are based on the needs of the company and employees.

Our classes have a good degree of flexibility regarding availability.

We have a different variety of courses for specific industrial needs: Such as English for Engineering, Medical English , English for Law, Commercial English and English for Management courses.



MasterClass  - English School Olot      

Classes particulars o en grup per a tots els nivells i edats

Assessorament i gestió de cursos a l’estranger

Cursos intensius durant el mes de Juliol

Assessorament, matrículació i preparació per exàmens de Cambridge.

Traducció, revisió i verificació de textos, projectes, curriculums,etc…

Préstec de llibres,DVD’s i revistes.


Particular or group classes for all levels and ages.

We advise on and organize English courses abroad.

Provide Intensive courses during the month of July.

We prepare our students for the official Cambridge exams.

Translations, proof readings, projects, CV’s, etc…

A Books, magazines and DVDs library provided for all students.



MasterClass  - English School Olot      

Per a joves de 12 a 17 anys, estem preparant una sortida a Irlanda de dues setmanes durant el mes d’agost.

Viatge 100% organitzat amb matí classes, tarda activitats diverses i excursió durant els caps de semana.

Inscripcions obertes a tothom que ho vulgui!


For young people from the ages of 12 to 17, we are organizing a summer trip to Ireland for two weeks during the month of August.

The trip is 100% organized with classes in the mornings, different activities in the afternoon and sight-seeing trips during the weekends.

Registration is open to everybody.

MasterClass - English School Olot
Localització C. Marià Vayreda, 2- plant 1 porta 7 - 17800 Olot
telefon 676 179 348
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